About Me

image1My name is Nicole Stanton, I’m an electrical engineer with nearly twenty years of sewing experience.  Does this mean I can successfully make myself a dress?  Maybe… depends on the pattern.  I’m much better going into unscripted territory.

I love to reupholster furniture, make pillows, and craft plushy toys.  I love the idea of quilting, but the exactness of the stitching daunts me.  If you are like me and tend to dive into deep waters before checking to see you are wearing a floatie, then lets dive in together!

What is this adventure you ask?  Why embroidery of course.  The stunning (or adorable) designs, the elegant (or slightly gaudy) colors, and the headaches of puckering, stabilizer, and thread breaking inducing embroidery.

For this adventure I will be riding my trusted Singer XL-420.  I have it paired with a simple Toshiba netbook (circa 2009) with Singer Futura software.  I have friends and family using different machines and I expect that as things move along with the blog I will have a few guest writers to broaden my point of view.

This whole shenanigan is for you readers.  If I’m not writing what you want to read, tell me.  I promise I take criticism very well.

Here is to deep waters and the adventures we will find there.

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